BanqO! - A platform to help you create, manage and review Individualized Education Programs (IEP) or Transition Programs

BanqO is your Solution! Because a learners IEP is important!

User guide

Create one or more plans or progams

User guide

Create one or more plans or progams

Create one or more student

1. Open a session

2. Click on the "My students" page

3. Click on "Add a student"

4. Enter the information and Save.

5. Click on the icon "Plan" and enter the student's information into "Student's profil "

You can choose to complete the student's profile at anytime.

Create a plan, program, IEP or TP

Once the student is created, you can customize the goals by following the steps listed below:

1. Go to your student list.

2. Choose the student and click on the icon "Goals " or "Program " for that student.

2. Click on "Add other goals for..."

3. Click on "Choose a category" and select a goal category (see the goals organization in the table at the bottom of this page)

4. Click on "Choose a subcategory" and select a subcategory.

5. Refine the choice of your goals by selecting one or more selection criteria. Click either on "Choose a grade, age, cycle, core competency or key feature." If needed, enter a keyword to find a goal.

6. Look at the different goals and select the one that matches your student.

7. Click on "Add to My collection."

8. Click on "Choose a student" and select the student's name.

9. Remove the word (criterion) and enter a criterion.

* A criterion is an evaluation component on which you can rely to assess the value of the action, result, or method. There are quality requirements (for example: raising hands), and quantity requirements (for example: duration (i.e. 20 minutes), intensity (i.e. strong), frequency (i.e. 3/week), pace (i.e. 20 words/minute), and latency time (i.e. 5 minutes after having heard the instructions).

10. Remove the word (condition) and enter a condition if needed.

* A condition is a circumstance, context, fact, way of being, situation required for the action to happen. This refers to some form of assistance such as technical or technological help, an introduction or support (for example, use of a software or calculator, verbal encouragement, etc.)

Questions? Contact us!

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5400 Westbury 2nd floor
Montréal, QC. Canada H3W 2W8
P: 1 (833) 338.7526

BanqO is your Solution! Because a learners IEP is important!

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